Poetry and Personal Writing

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Design Signatures

The gallery above contains artifacts from Cindy Atman's “Dear Design” Directed Research Group at the University of Washington, winter 2022, exploring personal design signatures.


Sam and I are starting a medical geekery podcast! He wants to do podcasting again and I want a space in which I don't forget everything about clinical medicine while I'm in my PhD phase. Stay tuned!

Brightly-lit view of a rocky shore and sea green water disappearing into a white sky. A purple logo for the album Indiscipline by InVioletSky is in the upper right corner. Below the writing is a logo of three purple flowers: lilac, lavender, & lupine


(The Rough drafts)

Coming in 2023. Almost certainly. Maybe.

If I give myself a deadline to record the music I’ve written since the pandemic started, I’ll actually do it. Stay tuned…

Original photo by Erin McLean. Album art by Alainna Brennan Brown.

Lyrics Work

In 2009 and 2010, I penned what became the lyrics to the vocal tracks on The Pretext's eponymous 2011 album. Keaton Armentrout, the stellar musician behind The Pretext, now composes and performs as Moss Ives.

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